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Early Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening helps identify children who may benefit from early childhood services before they enter kindergarten and connects you to appropriate programs and resources. 

The state of Minnesota requires all children to be screened before entering kindergarten. The screening is most valuable soon after your child’s third birthday.

Screening is FREE and includes growth, development, and  immunization check. Your child will be assessed in these important areas: 

  • Preschool concepts

  • Communication skills

  • Motor skills

  • Social emotional skills

This free screening gives you and your child an early connection to Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools.

If your child has already been screened in HeadStart or in another school district, please provide the screening report. Children only need to be screened one time. Children do not need to be screened if they have an active IEP (Individualized Education Program).

Conscientious Objection: Parents can choose to conscientiously object to screening for their child. If you object, please fill out the Early Childhood Screening Conscientious Objection Form. (Minnesota Statutes, Section 121A.17, Subdivision 3(e). View Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.16-19 and Minnesota Rules, part 3530.3000-4310 for more information. 


3 Reasons to Screen at Age 3

  1. Early screening can help set your child up for success in school.
  2. Any health or learning concerns can be identified early so intervention can be provided before the start of kindergarten.
  3. Because screening is FREE and provides a snapshot of your child's health and development

Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) - ECS Video

Schedule a screening appointment

Schedule an appointment

Prior to your appointment:
  1. Two weeks before your appointment, you will receive an email confirmation with further instructions.
  2. If you or your child would benefit from an interpreter or if you need assistance completing the forms, please call Deb Tribby at (952) 226-0975 or contact her by email at

Email the
Early Childhood Screening Office